Monday, October 17, 2011

Nest and baskets

A week ago I found a beautiful little nest which had fallen from a  poignant seeing one of these delicate structures now empty and discarded. 
This one has some white and blue plastic twine threaded through the natural fibres. Plastic is such a blight on our environment.

The nest  inspired me to make some rough coil baskets. I haven't done any basket making for years and I had forgotten what  a peaceful and contemplative activity it is. The core of all the baskets are natural fibres I picked up from my local creek area..the first one was sewn with string, and the second from an unravelled silk  scarf.  The last two (foreground) were made with only grasses, dried vines and twigs. Have no idea what the names of any of the natural materials are, but it was great to go foraging and gathering, and the only implement needed to make the baskets, was a darning needle.

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